Learning Design & Engineering

Real World Learning Solutions to Complex Problems

We build solutions within a social justice context that
are ready to be implemented, maintained, and scaled.

At WorldClassEdu (WCE) we focus on where learning design meets learning engineering to create the ideal experience for our clients and their learners. With social justice at the heart of everything we do, we take a holistic, human-centered approach inspired by people, context, trends, technologies, and history to create an experience that brings the joy of learning to all people.


WorldClassEdu is an agile team of education experts, ready to assist with your project. Rather than focusing on one narrow scope, we are cross-sector by design. All team members are dedicated to social justice and highly regarded in the field, with an expansive range of specialties. WCE will hand pick the team leading your project based on your needs, ensuring that you have the tools necessary to accomplish your goals, meet deadlines, and deliver powerful results.

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